im like a cool guy i like cool guy things i eat food and drink water and i LOVE MEN! my name is gold also. you may also call me tank
Planning on making this a cool website for my projects. The things I have planned are: dictionaries for my constructed languages, world information for my various thingies, and some other fun shit. I am also using this to learn some coding, because I've got a lot of stuff I'd like to do that has a lot of coding and I dont know the first thing except what small things I've done in Scratch and Adobe Animate.
i am also a massive fan of old website stuff. it brings a joy to my heart. i think everyone should have a little website for their little selves :)
we are under constructio

IF YOU ARE AN EXCLUSIONIST YOU CAN LEAVE !!!!!!!!!! all identities are welcome here, of course so far as they are not guises for hurting living things. Everybody has some funny things going on in their head!!! I cant know whats in someone elses head so why should i tell them they cant be what they say they are!!!!!! Even queer labels are constructs!!!! Why be an exclusionist in the presence of a plural otherkin!!!!!!!! Piss off!!!!!!!
you may be wondering: what are the funny little letters in slashes, gay boy?
well i'll tell you!! they are the International Phonetic Alphabet. They are used as like a way to see how a language is pronounced in more clarity. Of course, this only works if you know it lol. Here is a resource for getting to know some IPA. If you can whip out a phone or tablet and download a funny little thing, I highly recommend the app "iPA Phonetics" published by John Esling, as it has videos of what your mouth and throat should be doing and diagrams that show what the words all mean. It helped me a lot in learning IPA. I do not know if it is available for anything other than iOS though.